

349. The offensive offender defended himself with the fence.


offensive 英 [??fens?v] 美 [??f?ns?v]

adj.无礼的,冲撞的,冒昧的; 厌恶的,令人不快的;打击(性)的,打击的,攻势的;


offender 英 [??fend?(r)] 美 [??f?nd?]

n.罪犯; 冒犯人的人; 犯规者; 曲折…的人(或事物);

defend 英 [d??fend] 美 [d??f?nd]

vt.& vi.辩护; 保卫; (足球、曲棍球等)防卫; 举行辩护;

fence 英 [fens] 美 [f?ns] n.栅栏,篱笆; 围墙; 防护物; 剑术;

vt.用篱笆围住; 防护; 练习剑术;vi.练习击剑; 搪塞; 围以栅栏; 跳过栅栏;

350. The dependent dependant can’t live independently.


The dependent dependant受扶养人

independently… 英 [??nd?’pend?ntl?] 美 [??nd??p?nd?ntl?]



351. The attendants attend the meeting and pretend to be attentive.


attendants [??tend?nts]

n.办事职员( attendant的名词复数 ); 侍者; 侍从; 伴随物;

attend 英 [??tend] 美 [??t?nd]

vi.列席; 努力于,献身于; 侍候,照顾; 眷注;

vt.列席,到场; [常用被动语态](作为后果、情况)伴随; 照顾; 伴随;

pretend 英 [pr??tend] 美 [pr??t?nd]

vt.伪装,伪装; 假称; 打扮;vi.扮演; 自称; 伪装,矫作;adj.仿制的;

1. The children pretend to be different animals dancing to the music.


2. It would be idle to pretend the system is perfect.


3. I pretend that things are really okay when they’re not.


4. I’m tired of having to pretend all the time.


5. So you don’t need to pretend, do you?

以是你不必装假了, 对 吧 ?

6. Don’t pretend to know [ understand ] when you don’t.


7. He does not pretend to be a genius.


8. Many people pretend that they understand modern art.


9. After the adverts, the presenter tried to pretend that everything was back to normal.


10. There are not many persons who pretend to exact knowledge of the subject.


11. If you pretend to know what you don’t know , you’ll only make a fool of yourself.


12. If you hide away your problems and pretend that they don’t exist they will just continue to mount up.


13. I had no option but to pretend ignorance.


14. ‘shall I tell my people to pretend they’re against the wage – cut, then? ”

“ 我报告我的人也反对报酬打八折? ”

15. Let’s pretend we’re sailing down the Rhine River on a boat.


attentive 英 [??tent?v] 美 [??t?nt?v]

adj.注意的; 周到的,周到的; 温存; 仔细;

attention 英 [??ten?n] 美 [??t?n??n]

n.注意,注意力; 照料,关心; 周到;int.[口令]立正;

注意 pay attention to; take notice of; be careful (to do sth.); take care

立正stand at attention; come to attention

352. The tenderer surrendered her tremendously slender tender fingers.


tenderer 英 [‘tend?r?] 美 [‘tend?r?] n.投标人;

tender 英 [?tend?(r)] 美 [?t?nd?]

adj.柔弱的; 嫩的; 温和的; 疼痛的;

n.(正式)提出; 投标; 需求船,联结船; 照看者;

vt.正式提出; 使变脆弱; <古>温和地对待;

surrender 英 [s??rend?(r)] 美 [s??r?nd?]

vi.投诚; 屈从; 自首;vt.使投诚; 丢弃; 交出; 听任;

n.投诚; 丢弃; 屈从; (保险的)解约;

cop-out 英 [?k?paut] 美 [?kɑp?a?t]


1.To decline to vote is a cop-out. 回绝投票就是一种躲避。

decline 英 [d??kla?n] 美 [d??kla?n]

n.下降; (力气、康健、风致、权利、代价等的)阑珊;下倾;(人、生命等的)阑珊期;

vt.& vi.推却,推辞(约请等);vt.推辞,婉拒;

vi.(路途、物体等)下倾; (太阳)落下; (在风致、代价上)低落; 衰落,推辞;

2. The film’s ending is an unsatisfactory cop-out.


3. Not turning up was just a cop-out.

不出面只不外是在躲避罢了。turning up显现

4. The TV debate was a cop – out: it didn’t tackle any of the real issues.


5. Don’t try to cop out by telling me you’re too busy!


6. You can’t cop out of your responsibility to the project.


7. A cop out , is a weak excuse for not doing something.

不外,Acop?cop不 是警员吗?我不去露营和警员有什么干系?

8. That’s just a cop – out. Just be brave and tell the truth.

那只是托词, 大胆一点实话实说.

9. That is a shameful cop – out.


10. These thieves had to cop out.


11. In this situation would it be the positive reaction to cop out and run away?


12. ” I’m careful,’she said. ” I don’t want my disease to be as a cop – out. ”

我很警惕, 她说,我不想我的病被看作一种失败.

13. The ultimate answer sounds a cop out but is completely accurate in real – world settings: it depends.

终极的答案听起来像是躲避,但在实际中的确内幕云云: 它依托于你.

353. The tension tends to extend to a more extensive extent.


tension 英 [?ten?n] 美 [?t?n??n]

n.告急,不安; 告急气氛; [物]张力,拉力; 分歧;vt.告急; 使告急;

extend 英 [?k?stend] 美 [?k?st?nd]

vt.& vi.延伸; 扩展; 推行;vi.伸出; 延伸; 增长;

vt.伸展; 给予; 延伸; 发射(约请、接待等);

extensive 英 [?k?stens?v] 美 [?k?st?ns?v]

adj.宽广的,宽大的; 范围广泛的; [物]广延的; [逻]外表的;

extent 英 [?k?stent] 美 [?k?st?nt] n.水平; 长度; 宽大地区; 扣押;

354.I spend money on expensive things endlessly; so the expenditure trends up.我无休止地费钱买昂贵的东西,以是开支趋向上升。

endlessly 英 [‘endl?sl?] 美 [??ndl?sl?]

adv.无量地,持续地,永世地; 不已; 不休;

expenditure 英 [?k?spend?t??(r)] 美 [?k?sp?nd?t??]

n.破费,付出; 用度,经费; (尤指财帛的)付出额; (精力、时间、质料等的)泯灭;

破费 expense; expenditure; outlay

The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising.


Some companies want to share capital outlay and ” know – how “.

有几家公司愿分管投资和分享 “ 武艺 ”

The sum of the receipts is greater than the initial outlay.


This paper analyzed the problem of education outlay and crux.


crux 英 [kr?ks] 美 [kr?ks, kr?ks]

n.(成绩的)中央,中心,结症; 坩埚; 紧张; 症结;

Now we come to the crux of the matter . 如今我们来谈成绩的症结。

Where does the crux lie? 结症在何处?

lie 英 [la?] 美 [lai] v.躺; 坐落在; 处于…形态; 撒谎;

n.大话; 大话; 形态; 地点;

This is the crux of the matter. 这就是成绩的紧张地点.

355.I send him the blend calendar and the splendid bent lens he lent to me.我把他借给我的殽杂日历和绝妙的弯曲透镜送给他.

blend 英 [blend] 美 [bl?nd] vt.殽杂; 把…掺在一同; (使)和谐; 和谐;

vi.掺杂; 团结; 相配,相当;n.殽杂; 殽杂色,构成语; 殽杂物;

splendid 英 [?splend?d] 美 [?spl?nd?d]

adj.壮观的,奢华的; 极好的或令人满意的; 闪亮的; 为众人所推许的;

splen 英 [sp’len] 美 [sp’len]


spleen 英 [spli:n] 美 [splin] n.脾; 怒气; 怨气;

The scientists removed the mouse’s spleen.


I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我非得找一局部出出气.

vent 英 [vent] 美 [v?nt]

n.透风孔; 排气孔; (情感等的)发泄,暴露; (鸟,虫,鱼的)肛门;

vt.& vi.表达,发泄(情感,尤指恼怒); 给…开孔; 放出; (通太过泌等)减小压力;

bent 英 [bent] 美 [b?nt] adj.弯曲的; 决计的; <英>糜烂的; 同性恋;

n.喜好,嗜好; [建]排架; 剪股颖属草; [植]梗草,荒草地;


lens 英[lenz]美 [l?nz]n.透镜,镜头; 眼睛中的水晶体; 隐形眼镜;汽车的灯玻璃;

lent 英 [lent] 美 [l?nt]

v.把…借给( lend的已往式和已往分词 ); 贷(款); 增长; 增加;

356. The goodness of the wooden goods gives me good mood.


mood 英 [mu:d] 美 [mud] n.心境; 语气; 气氛; 坏心境;

357. The teenagers in the canteen are keen to see the queen sitting between the green screens in the greenhouse.


canteen 英 [k?n?ti:n] 美 [k?n?tin]

n.小卖部; 食堂,小饭店; 水罐; 餐具盒,炊具箱;

keen 英 [ki:n] 美 [kin]

adj.凶猛的,剧烈的; 敏锐的,敏捷的; 锐利的; 热心的;


screen 英 [skri:n] 美 [skrin]

n.屏幕; 银幕; 屏风;vt.筛(煤、矿石等); 拍摄; 放映(影戏); 保护;

greenhouse 英 [?gri:nha?s] 美 [?ɡrin?ha?s]

n.温室,花房; [军]<俚>周围有玻璃的座舱,轰炸员舱;

358.From the tiny tin pin, the spinner pinched energy pinch// off an inch.纺纱工从小锡别针上掐掉一英寸。

tiny 英 [?ta?ni] 美 [?ta?ni] adj.极小的,弱小的;n.小孩子; [医]癣

tin 英 [t?n] 美 [t?n] n.锡; 罐头盒; 马口铁; 镀锡薄钢板;

adj.锡制的; 假冒的; 无代价的; 糟糕的;vt.镀锡,包锡; 给…包马口铁; 包白铁;

pin 英 [p?n] 美 [p?n] n.钉; 别针,扣针,饰针; 大头针; 没代价的东西;


adj.针的; 钉的; 销的; 大头针的;

spinner 英 [?sp?n?(r)] 美 [?sp?n?] n.纺纱机; 纺纱工;(垂纶用)旋式诱饵;

pinch 英 [p?nt?] 美 [p?nt?]

vt.捏,掐; 挤痛,夹痛; 使(植物)繁茂,凋落; 使紧缺,控制;

vi.挤痛,压痛; 痛惜,浪费;n.匮乏; 少数,一撮; 困苦;

energy 英 [?en?d?i] 美 [?en?rd?i] n.[物]能量; 活力; 精力; 精力;

inch 英 [?nt?] 美 [?nt?]

n.英寸(相当于 2.54 厘米,一英尺有12英寸); 少数,少许; 身高;

vt.使缓慢地挪动;vi.缓慢挪动; 渐进;

359. In my opinion, only the onion can grow in the iron environment.


opinion 英 [??p?nj?n] 美 [??p?nj?n]

n.意见,主张; 评价; 判定,推断;

iron 英 [?a??n] 美 [?a??rn] n.铁器,铁制品; 熨斗,烙铁; 刚强; 脚镣;

adj.铁制的,含铁的; 刚强的,坚强的; 严酷的; 坚固不拔的;

vt.熨烫; 给…上脚镣手铐; 给…装铁具; 用铁铸成;vi.熨衣; (衣服等)被烫平;

360. The crazy jazzman gazed at the blaze on the razor with amazement.


gazed [ɡeizd] v.凝视,凝视( gaze的已往式和已往分词 );

blaze 英 [ble?z] 美 [blez] n.火焰; 光芒; 发作; 光芒;

vi.剧烈地熄灭; 发光,照射;vt.在树片上刻痕指示(路途等); 公开公布;

火焰[化] flame; blaze; flamboyance; flare-up;

razor 英 [?re?z?(r)] 美 [?rez?] n.剃刀,刮面刀;vt.剃; 用剃刀刮;

amazement 英 [??me?zm?nt] 美 [??mezm?nt]

n.惊奇,恐慌,惊奇; [废语] 疑惑,怀疑;

361. The illustration illuminates the demonstrating Democrat’s penetrating ~ permeate strategy.


illustration 英 [??l??stre??n] 美 [??l??stre??n]

n.分析; 例证; 图解; 插图;

illuminate 英 [??lu:m?ne?t] 美 [??lum??net]

vt.照亮,照明; 分析,分析; 装饰; 使光辉;vi.照亮;



v.举行示威游行(或聚会会议)( demonstrate的如今分词 ); 树模。展现; 体现; 论证;

democrat 英 [?dem?kr?t] 美 [?d?m??kr?t]

n.民主主义者,民主人士; 民主党人; <美>民主党党员;

penetrating 英 [?pen?tre?t??] 美 [?p?n??tret??]

adj.敏锐的; 有洞察力的; 智慧的; 响亮的;

v.贯串,穿过( penetrate的如今分词); 刺入; 了解; 浸透;

permeate 英 [?p?:mie?t] 美 [?p?rmie?t]

vt.& vi.弥漫; 遍及; 渗入; 浸透;

vi.影响,转达; 渗入,普及; 贯串; 穿透某物;

permeate 英 [?p?:mie?t] 美 [?p?rmie?t]

vt.& vi.弥漫; 遍及; 渗入; 浸透;

vi.影响,转达; 渗入,普及; 贯串; 穿透某物;

362. The cat catches a fat rat and scatters the others under the mat.


scatter 英 [?sk?t?(r)] 美 [?sk?t?]

vt.(使)散开,(使)疏散,遣散;vi.撒开; 疏散;n.撒布,散播;

mat 英 [m?t] 美 [m?t]

n.席子,垫子; (体育活动用的)厚垫子; 衬边; 团,簇;

vt.遮掩,用垫子作装饰; 使…缠结; 给(照片)镶框; 使…外表无光;

vi.缠结;adj.粗糙的; 昏暗的,无光晕的;

mate 英 [me?t] 美 [met]

n.(工人世的)伙伴,同事,老兄,老弟〔工人,水手间的亲密称呼〕; 夫妇〔男女任何一方〕,生物之偶(尤指鸟类),(一对中的)一只,配对物; [医学](军医等的)助手; [帆海](商船的)大副,驾驶员;

vt.& vi.(使)成为夫妇; (使)交配; (一对生物或鸟)交配; 交尾(~ with sth);363. On the flat platform the bat will pat whatever hat it likes.


pat 英 [p?t] 美 [p?t] vt.& vi.轻拍,爱抚; 拍成,拍至;

n.轻拍; 轻拍某物发射的声响; 小团,小块;

adj.恰好的,得当的; 熟稔的; 过于偶合的,报答的; 快活的,生动的;


He gave her an encouraging pat on the shoulder.


8. On the other side, the men stood pat and were unyielding.


9. He had his answer off pat. 他对本人怎样作答胸中有数。

10. There’s no pat answer to that.


11. The players deserve a pat on the back.


12. I have my story down pat. 我对本人想好的说法已烂熟于心。

13. Pat it dry with a soft towel. 用柔软的毛巾将它拍干。

364. Hence the hen cries whenever it sees a chicken.


hence 英 [hens] 美 [h?ns] adv.因此,以是; 自此; 自此处;int.<诗>去;

hen 英 [hen] 美 [h?n] n.母鸡; 雌禽; 女人;

365. The driller filled the grill with brilliant film.


grill 英 [gr?l] 美 [ɡr?l] vt.& vi.烧烤;vt.拷问,查问;

n.烤架; 烤肉; 格板; 烧烤餐馆;

brilliant 英 [?br?li?nt] 美 [?br?lj?nt]

adj.亮堂的; <非正式>优美的; 闪灼的; 才华横溢的;n.宝石; 钻石;

He was the most brilliant adman that any of us knew.


He had a nose for trouble and a brilliant tactical mind.


tactical 英 [?t?kt?kl] 美 [?t?kt?k?l]

adj.战术的; 战略上的; 奇妙计划的; 有盘算的;

He was also a brilliant propagandist for free trade.


12. We put it on and everybody said “Oh it’s a brilliant production”.


13. My sister’s given me this brilliant book.


14. He was a brilliant musician.


15. “Cor, wot brilliant prizes!”


cor 英 [k?:(r)] int.稍微的叹息词(表现惊奇、倾慕等);

wot 英 [w?t] 美 [wɑt] wit的第一、三人称奇数如今式;

wit 英 [w?t] 美 [w?t]

n.机敏; 才智,伶俐; 富天然智的人; 打趣话,打趣话;

She was known for the quickness of her wit. 她以头脑机动见称。

Our teacher is full of wit when he has a lesson.


He is a man of many words but of little wit.


Ladies and gentlemen paraded their fine manners, wit, and charm.


parade 英 [p??re?d] 美 [p??red]

v.游行; 展览; 招摇过市; 承受校阅;n.校阅; 游行; 一系列; 夸耀;

A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑, 长一智.

pit 英 [p?t] 美 [p?t]

n.井; 煤矿; 麻子; (赛车道旁的)修葺加油站;

vt.使有麻子; 使有凹陷;vi.凹陷; 起凹点;

366.The ill man had a pill and sat on the pillar pillow in stillness until now.谁人暴徒吃了一颗药丸后运动不动地坐在柱子上直到如今.

pillar 英 [?p?l?(r)] 美 [?p?l?]

n.柱,台柱,顶梁柱; 墩,柱脚; (构造、制度、信心等的)中心

pillow 英 [?p?l??] 美 [?p?lo?]

n.枕头; 垫子; 花边垫子;vt.搁于枕上; 当作枕头用;vi.以…为枕;

stillness 英 [?st?ln?s] 美 [?st?ln?s] n.运动; 不动; 沉静; 冷静自如;

The sound of footsteps on the path broke the stillness.


There was a sudden stillness in the air. 空中忽然间一片寂静.

The stillness was rent by thunderous applause.


rent 英 [rent] 美 [r?nt]

n.租金; 地租; (意见等的)崩溃,不合; (衣服等的)缝隙;

vt.& vi.出租; 付地租; “rend”的已往式和已往分词; 租借;

adj.撕碎的; 崩溃的;

367. The skilful miller killed millions of lions with his ski.


ski 英 [ski:] 美 [ski] n.滑雪; 滑雪板; 滑水橇; 滑行安装;


368. The silly spilled the milk on the silver silk.


spill 英 [sp?l] 美 [sp?l] vt.& vi.溢出; 泼出; 涌出; 簇拥而出;

vt.使跌落; 流出奥密;n.洒出(量); 泼出(量); 溢出(量); 小塞子;

369. On the far farm the army’s arms are kept warm by a swarm of bees.


arms 英 [ɑ:mz] 美 [ɑrmz]

n.兵器; 战争; 臂; 纹章; 臂( arm的名词复数 ); 兵器; [复数]战事; 权利;

arm 英 [ɑ:m] 美 [ɑrm] n.臂; 兵器; [复数]战事; 权利;


vt.装备(防守工事); 准备(打击或迎击); 装备; 防护;

swarm 英 [sw?:m] 美 [sw?rm] n.蜂群,一大群;

vi.众多,挤满; 云集,涌往; 成群地挪动或显现; 成群飞离蜂巢,用于蜜蜂;

370. The alarm harmed the charming harmony of the ceremony.


harm 英 [hɑ:m] 美 [hɑrm] n.侵害; 损伤; 危害;vt.损伤; 侵害; 危害;

charming 英 [?t?ɑ:m??] 美 [?t?ɑrm??]

adj.诱人的,心爱的; 英俊的,洒脱的; 令人沉醉的;

v.使兴奋; 使沉醉,使着迷;

harmony 英 [?hɑ:m?ni] 美 [?hɑrm?ni]

n.和谐; 融洽,一律; 和谐; [音]和声;

ceremony 英 [?ser?m?ni] 美 [?ser?mo?ni]

n.仪式,仪式; 礼仪,礼仪; 虚礼,客气;

371.Squirrel inquired an acquaintance and acquired the requirements.


acquaintance 英 [??kwe?nt?ns] 美 [??kwent?ns]

n.相识的人,熟人; 相识; 对…有了解; 知识,心得;

acquire 英 [??kwa??(r)] 美 [??kwa?r] vt.取得,取得; 学到;

requirement 英 [r??kwa??m?nt] 美 [r??kwa??rm?nt]

n.要求; 必要条件; 必需品,必要量; 资历;

372.A title is entitled to the retired worker who repaired the entire tire tirelessly.修葺整个轮胎的退休工人有权取得一个头衔。


entitle 英[?n?ta?tl]美 [?n?ta?tl]vt.使有资历; 给…定名; 给与…权益; 称做;

entire 英 [?n?ta??(r)] 美 [?n?ta?r] adj.全部的; 整个的; 全体的; 囫囵;

373. The hired admirer inspired his desire for the wire.


hired 英 [ha?rd] 美 [ha?rd]

v.聘任( hire的已往式和已往分词 ); 任命; 招聘; 租用;

fired英 [‘fa??d] 美 [‘fa??d]

v.开战,射击( fire的已往式和已往分词 ); <口>开除; 射(箭); 勉励;

admirer 英 [?d?ma??r?(r)] 美 [?d?ma??r?r]

n.赞赏者; 倾慕者; 崇拜者; (女性的)倾慕者;

inspired 英 [?n?spa??d] 美 [?n?spa??rd]

adj.有创造力的; 品格精良的; 有雄心勃勃的; (与名词、形貌词以及副词构成形貌词)受…影响的;

v.鼓动( inspire的已往式和已往分词 ); 勉励; 赋予或人灵感; 启示;

He has neither the policies nor the personal charisma to inspire people.


If I do, it might inspire other Iranian women, she says.

假如我告捷了, 这约莫会勉励别的伊朗妇女.

A good novel serves to educate and inspire people.


This will inspire them to further efforts to win economic independence.


desire 英 [d??za??(r)] 美 [ d??za?r] vt.渴望; 巴望; 要求; 哀求;

n.愿望; 愿望; 渴望; 哀求;vi.有渴望; 希冀; 愿望; 想望;

wire 英 [?wa??(r)] 美 [wa?r]

n.金属丝; 电线; 电报; (木偶的)牵线,利用绳,眼前利用的权利,奥密引线,奥密战略;vi.拍电报;vt.拍电报; 给…装电线;

374. The firm fireman first overcame thirst desire.


firm 英 [f?:m] 美 [f?rm]

adj.安稳的,坚牢的; 刚强的,坚决的; 严厉的; 确定的;

vt.& vi.使安稳; 使坚固;n.商号,商行; 公司; 企业; 事情团队;


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